Monday, August 27, 2012

{Erick & Natalie M.} - Utah County Couples Photographer

It was hard to pick just a few favorites from this beautiful wedding!

I'm so excited for Erick and Natalie as they start their life together!


  1. I love the b&w shot of Natalie holding the bouquet!

  2. CINDY!! THESE ARE FANTAAAASTIC!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!! I love the 3rd down, b/w veil/kissing one, so cute! :) Thanks for all your help!

  3. Oh, Cindy, these are exsqusite! What a difference a talented, professional photographer, who knows & loves the couple, makes. Can hardly wait to see more. God bless you.

    Eileen Rose McAllister,
    Blessed to be The Mother of the Bride
